Host a web proxy

Both client and relay Earendil nodes can host web proxies. When you host an Earendil web proxy, clients that you choose to share the proxy information with can use your node as the exit node to anonymously browse clearnet traffic.

No access control or filtering

Currently, there is no support for authenticating proxy users or filtering traffic through the web proxy you host. This means, among other things, that users of your proxy can:

  • Access local network resources, including on localhost

  • Waste your bandwidth indiscriminately

  • Send email spam and get your IP address blocked by your ISP

Thus, it's currently not recommended to set up public web proxies through Earendil unless you are sure of what you're doing. In the future, we will add support for user authentication and traffic filtering, which will make running a public simple_proxy service much more viable.

To host a web proxy, paste this config file into the "Settings" tab of your Earendil GUI:

    fingerprint: 4b7a641b77c2d6ceb8b3fecec2b2978dfe81ae045ed9a25ed78b828009c4967a
      sosistab3: "randomly-generated-cookie-lala-doodoo"
      inbound_price: 0
      inbound_debt_limit: 0
      outbound_max_price: 0
      outbound_min_debt_limit: 0

havens: # havens we're hosting
  - identity_file: /your/path/identity.secret # replace with a writable path for storing identity secret
    listen_port: 19999 # port where proxy server listens
    rendezvous: 4b7a641b77c2d6ceb8b3fecec2b2978dfe81ae045ed9a25ed78b828009c4967a # relay chosen as our rendezvous point for onion-routing
      type: simple_proxy # Earendil's web proxy protocol

Note that hosting a web proxy necessarily exposes your IP address: a client can always connect to your proxy and go to an IP-checking website.

Since web-proxies cannot have any anonymity, it's not important which rendezvous relay you choose (rendezvous field). We recommend choosing yourself (if you're a relay) or an immediate neighbor (if you're a client) as the rendezvous point for optimal performance. In this example, we continue to use the public relay we use in all the tutorials.

Start Earendil, and you can find your new web proxy's information in the "Dashboard" tab:

Now any Earendil node with this information can use the web proxy you just set up to browse the internet anonymously, by including this block in their Earendil config file:

      remote: <your-haven-fingerprint>:19999

Last updated